About Animal Assisted Therapy

AAT or also called AAI (Animal Assisted Intervention)

Animal Assisted Therapy is a general term which includes activities, interventions, education and therapies. It includes highly effective treatment methods which have been shown to help mainstream children and adults with such diverse issues as Autism spectrum, behavioral, cognitive issues and trauma issues. It has been used to treat PTSD, ADHD, depression, learning disabilities, physical handicaps, and other challenges to children and adults and is used all over the world.

Our services include some of the above. In Israel we are accepted by the insurance companies for re-embursement.  Other financial assistance is available. Click Info for more..

"Feeding Time" - Video for Children which introduces some of the animals

AUGUST 2020 NEWS: RBS Therapy Dogs is honored to accept a grant, awarded by the prestigious Latham Foundation! We hope to honor their goals with our work at spreading the importance and joy of companion animals in new ways and with new people! www.latham.org

Ramat Beit Shemesh 

Therapy Dogs

contact: info @ rbstherapydogs.com

all inquiries are kept confidential

QUICK tour of the ranch.

בית שמש כלבים טיפולים